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O1A Visa Business-Science-Education and Athletics

O-1A Business, Science,

Education And Athletics Criteria

O1A Visa is available to:


Professionals who work in the fields of business, science, education or athletics who can demonstrate that they meet a minimum of three of the following criteria: 


(1) Documentation of the alien’s receipt of nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence in the field of endeavor;


(2) Documentation of the alien’s membership in associations in the field for which classification is sought, which require outstanding achievements of their members, as judged by recognized national or international experts in their disciplines or fields;


(3) Published material in professional or major trade publications or major media about the alien, relating to the alien’s work in the field for which classification is sought, which shall include the title, date, and author of such published material, and any necessary translation;


(4) Evidence of the alien’s participation on a panel, or individually, as a judge of the work of others in the same or in an allied field of specialization to that for which classification is sought;


(5) Evidence of the alien’s original scientific, scholarly, or business-related contributions of major significance in the field;


(6) Evidence of the alien’s authorship of scholarly articles in the field, in professional journals, or other major media;


(7) Evidence that the alien has been employed in a critical or essential capacity for organizations and establishments that have a distinguished reputation;


(8) Evidence that the alien has either commanded a high salary or will command a high salary or other remuneration for services, evidenced by contracts or other reliable evidence.


If the criteria listed above do not readily apply to the applicant’s occupation, comparable evidence may be submitted in order to establish the applicant’s eligibility.


How can you meet each of these criteria?



  • The award must be given to you personally, or else given for your work

  • Press about your win

  • Photos of award or copy of award certificate

  • Printout from organization website listing you as winner

Membership in Exclusive Organizations

  • Proof of your membership

  • Must provide detailed membership and evaluation requirements (either from website or letter from the organization)

National or International Recognition

  • Articles discussing your awards, nominations, or other recognition

  • Each article must include English translation (if not in English), name of publication,name of article, date of publication, name of the author

  • Must provide circulation figures/viewership statistics for each publication along with background information

Judging the Work of Your Peers

  • Proof that you were a judge at a non-student competition in your field

  • Proof that you served as a peer reviewer of scholarly articles

  • Proof that as a VC you judged which companies received funding

  • Letter of recommendation confirming that you were selected due to your standing in the field

Original Contribution of Significance to Your Field

  • Press discussing your original contribution (if you are the first or only one to do something in your field, which is then emulated by others in your field)

  • Testimonials from experts or published articles discussing the importance of your contribution to your field or society at large

Authorship of Scholarly Articles in Publications

  • Copies of articles you have written that have been published

  • Citation information about your article

  • Background information about the journal or other publication where your article appeared

Lead and Starring Role in Distinguished Productions or Events

  • Press about your past work with specific companies or organizations

  • Letters of support from previous employers or high-level executives or managers you work(ed) with at the organizations discussing your duties and importance to the organization

High Salary

  • Comparative information about earnings your profession in your home country

  • Past or future contracts showing an income that is in the top 25% according to US Dept of Labor (ask an attorney)

  • Pay stubs showing you earned a high salary

Over 70 years of Accumulated Experience

Request a Consultation

Contact us today and unlock your potential with the O-1 Extraordinary Ability Visa!

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